10 Soil Advocates You Should Be Following

Farming, agriculture, livestock and crops

By: Lizzy Kahn

Who you choose to follow on Instagram, if you have one in the first place, can have a profound impact on your life. If we use social media in a mindful way, it can help us learn, connect with new ideas, and get inspired to take action.

It wasn’t until I started listening to the podcast “Woke and Wired” hosted by Ksenia Avdulova, when I began to seriously consider who and why I was following certain accounts. Ksenia encourages people to only follow those that truly light them up, so that your feed becomes a tool for exploring perspectives and expanding your consciousness.

Today, I only following accounts that: 

  • Teach me new things
  • Inspire me with awe and beauty
  • Bring joy

With that being said, here are some accounts I believe are worthy of your energy and time if you are interested in learning about how we can regenerate the planet, starting with soil.

1. Apricot Lane Farms @apricotlanefarms

“Home of the @biggestlittlefarm a 214-acre regenerative, organic, biodynamic farm growing 250+ fruits & veggies and raising 800+ animals with love.” 

If you love seeing regenerative agriculture in action then you will thoroughly enjoy Apricot Lane Farm’s Instagram feed. This account helps me feel connected with nature, even though I’m just looking at a screen. I am constantly learning new things by following Apricot Lane Farms–everything from improving the water holding capacity of their soil to native California plants and how to approach rebuilding habitats for birds and insects. Apricot Lane’s commitment to soil health and biodiversity is truly inspiring. Give them a follow if you’re ready to be dazzled by nature on a daily basis!

2. Joel Sartore @joelsartore

“Founder of the @Natgeo Photo Ark, a 25-year project to show the world the beauty of biodiversity and inspire action to save species”

Joel’s feed is an awe-inspiring reminder of the countless creatures we share this home with. Seeing his weekly posts is a beautiful reminder of what is at stake if we choose to continue degenerating our planet with chemical agriculture, deforestation, fossil fuel energy, etc. Whether it be composting, participating in a town hall meeting with your government representatives, volunteering at a beach cleanup, or picking up litter on your morning walk, there are so many ways we can regenerate our planet for all living beings that call this blue planet home.

Joel usually shares profiles of various animals, most of which are endangered. He also recently shared a post about the importance of growing Milkweed and supporting the planet’s pollinators!

3. Young Farmers Coalition @youngfarmers 

“The National Young Farmers Coalition unites young farmers and ranchers to ensure a sustainable future for American agriculture.” 

Learn about the next generation of individuals who want to redefine what farming looks like in America in 2019 and beyond. It’s incredibly inspiring to connect with young farmers and activists engaged in creating a better future for us all. Uniting farmers, ranchers, and concerned citizens, this account will open doors and will turn you into a global soil activist in no time.

4. Soil Nerd @thesoilnerd 

“Openly sharing all the info we have on soil health.”

The Soil Nerd account breaks down sometime complex soil science into bite-sized pieces of information that are easy to digest and understand. If you’re looking to expand your technical knowledge of the world underneath our feet, then this is a great place to start!


5. Humans Who Grow Food @humanswhogrowfood 

“Stories of gardeners, farmers & communities across borders & cultures. Connect, get inspired, grow food.” 

Are you thinking about starting your own community or home garden? This is the page for you! Learn about how people around the world are growing food on everything from backyards to porch steps. Get inspired, pick up new ideas, and connect with a community of local food activists around the globe.

6. Fibershed @fibershed_

“Developing regenerative textile systems that are based on carbon farming, regional manufacturing, and public education.”

Rebuilding soil health depends on transforming both the food and textile systems. Everything from bedding, towels, and upholstery to clothing of all shapes and sizes often come from agricultural goods such as hemp, cotton, linen, or wool.

Fibershed is a non-profit in Northern California committed to developing regional fiber systems that build soil and protect the health of our biosphere.

Follow this account to get engaged in recreating local economies and learn about the movement to expand ecological textile production both in the United States and around the world.

Photo by @paigegreenphoto

7. Savory Institute @savoryinstitute

“Global nonprofit teaching Holistic Management to regenerate grasslands.”

The Savory Institute is a global leader in the Soil Health movement—training ranchers and businesses on the principles of holistic management and timed-animal grazing. Their page is dedicated to excellent educational resources and evidence supporting the ability of highly managed animal grazing and regenerative agriculture to balance our climate and restore ecosystem health.

8. Farmer Rishi @farmerrishi

“I use gardens to heal minds, bodies, and ecosystems.” 

Farmer Rishi is talking the talk and walking the walk! His down-to-earth (pun intended) approached to talking about ecological solutions to some of our greatest environmental challenges is relatable and easy to digest. Plus, he’s teaching the new Kiss the Ground Regenerative Gardening & Living Course.

Follow this account to explore about everything from interesting plant varieties to what it’s like to grow your own food in the midst of a big city.” 

9. Zach Bush, MD @zachbushmd

“Triple board certified physician applying the rigor of science, the strength of humanity, and the intelligence of nature to transform our world.” 

Dr. Zach Bush is a Kiss the Ground advisor, and founder of the non-profit Farmer’s Footprint (another one to follow @farmersfootprint!). The microbiome of the Earth and the microbiome of our gut are intricately connected. Many of the same agrochemicals that are negatively impacting soil life are also harming our own health.  Dr. Zach Bush is able to perfectly articulate the complex relationship between personal and planetary health, and share ideas about how to support farmers and advance regenerative agriculture.

Learn more on his Instagram.

10. Land Core USA @landcoreusa

“Putting soil at the core of everything we do. Soil health policy, programs & education.” 

Land Core is an organization focused on making soil health a priority of US federal policy. Recently, the House Committee on Appropriations released a bill that included Land Core’s language on “Outcomes Verified Soil Health Program”.

Land Core Co-founder and Executive Director Aria McLauchlan previously worked as Kiss the Ground’s Communications and Marketing Lead. She’s been instrumental part of growing the regenerative agriculture movement and fighting for sound agricultural polices.

Learn more about how to get engaged with Land Core’s efforts, and put the pressure on lawmakers to center soil and regenerative agriculture at the forefront of rural development and climate change mitigation efforts here.

This is just a start. There are so many more pages to be following and we look forward to highlighting those soon!

Have a page we should be following? DM us on Instagram to let us know!

Featured image: @apricotlanefarms


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