An Update From Our CEO

Dear Kiss the Ground Community, Kiss the Ground promotes regeneration and healthy soil as a viable solution for our wellness, water, and climate crisis. Since 2013, we have inspired and catalyzed the transition of millions of acres into regenerative agriculture, working directly with farmers and consultants – now...

Kiss the Ground CEO Evan Harrison outlines strategic goals to elevate awareness of regeneration and healthy soil....
Regeneration is not just about land, it’s also about protecting and healing our watersheds, and right now we have an opportunity to make regeneration a bigger part of U.S. policy, for the benefit of land and sea, and everything in between....

Dear Kiss the Ground Community, It’s an incredibly exciting time for Kiss The Ground, our Supporters, and the Regenerative Movement.  When I joined Kiss The Ground as CEO nearly two years ago, the opportunity to expand the message–Regeneration and Healthy Soil is a viable solution for our wellness,...

Anthropologie has forged a partnership with Kiss the Ground, a nonprofit promoting regeneration and healthy soil as a viable solution to the wellness, water and climate crisis. Kicking off Earth Month, Anthropologie hopes to improve awareness, education and engagement around regenerative agriculture and how it contributes to a...

Inviting Partners to the Regenerative Movement...

Our regenerative news highlights

Regen Rundown

Regen Rundown, hosted by the dynamic and knowledgeable Carina Immer, is an engaging and informative online news program that explores the latest current events in the regenerative agriculture space.

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Press Inquires

For all press inquiries, please contact Nathan Rice at [email protected]

Introducing Our Newest 10K Acre Partner!