Kiss the Ground Film

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can watch the film?

Kiss the Ground is coming to Amazon Prime on April 22, 2025!

Yes! Please visit our Kiss the Ground Film page for more information.

Thank you for utilizing Kiss the Ground’s complimentary videos and spreading awareness of the Regenerative Movement! You can gain access to exclusive Public Kiss the Ground Educational Content here.

Conventional agriculture is a massive contributor to climate change, degrading our soil, emitting large amounts of carbon emissions, creating massive heat islands, and destroying the natural systems we need to survive.

Regenerative agriculture, on the other hand, can play a key role in addressing issues of climate change. Using a variety of agricultural management principles + practices that work in alignment with natural systems, regenerative agriculture moves carbon from our atmosphere back into our soils. This process improves soil health and offers a viable solution to our wellness, water, and climate crisis.

Thank you for raising this important question. At Kiss the Ground, this conversation is ongoing. Since the production of Kiss the Ground film, our organization has grown, and we have broadened our initiatives. While this film tells a story of our current standing – desertified lands, subsidized farming structures, war-time pesticides, and a disconnection of humans and earth, this is only one part of the story.

We realize there is much more to share, and our recent work underscores our commitment to sharing a greater diversity of stories on regenerative agriculture. We have incorporated more Indigenous stewards and teachers into the education cut of the film, the follow-up film Common Ground, as well as in our mini animated film Possibilities of Regeneration, and are continuously working to further amplify diverse voices on all of our platforms.

At Kiss the Ground, we believe in promoting a holistic approach to agriculture that respects and enhances all life. Our advocacy for regenerative agriculture, including managed grazing practices, aims to create a food system that is restorative, resilient, and honors the interconnectedness of all living things.

We believe that thoughtful integration of animals in agriculture can be part of the solution to our wellness, water, and climate challenges. While historically most grazing has degraded landscapes over time, regenerative grazing, on the other hand, increases biodiversity, improves soil health, and restores water systems and degraded land. This benefits countless species beyond livestock. 

Our website has some great resources for learning more about how to get politically involved in the movement.

Kiss the Ground Advocacy includes a petition for regenerative agriculture, the campaign to regenerate America, policy updates, and information on the Farm Bill.

Thank you for your commitment to Regeneration!

Knowledge is a powerful tool in driving change. Kiss the Ground offers resources to help educate and empower individuals. Check out our Regenerative Resources page to gain insights on how to live regeneratively daily – purchasing consciously, finding regenerative farms nearby, gardening at home, and more.

Another way to support regeneration is by supporting Kiss the Ground. For every $100 donated to Kiss the Ground, we inspire and catalyze the transition of 10 acres into regenerative agriculture, working directly with farmers, consultants, and various partners.

Your involvement in the Regenerative Movement makes an impactful difference, driving a more significant shift toward regenerative agriculture and a healthier planet!

Transform your understanding of regeneration through this bite-sized, 90-minute course!