Presidential Campaign Representatives Share Their Plans for the Future of US Farming
Last week, Kiss the Ground was honored to take part in Farmers, Soil, and Climate – a presidential forum in Des Moines Iowa. KTG Co-Founder Finian Makepeace moderated and interviewed several Democratic campaign representatives and one Republican presidential candidate. Each laid out their policies on how they would stand up for America’s family farmers and […]
10 Ways to Love the Soil
Did you know that building healthy soils on a global scale is one of the best ways to draw down enough carbon to prevent a catastrophic climate crisis? And carbon storage isn’t soil’s only superpower; the ways that soil stands to positively impact the lives of billions worldwide are tangible and immediate: replenished water cycles, […]
Your Back to School Reading List on Soil
“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary. We must not permit anything to stand between us and the book that could change our lives.” – Jim Rohn Whether you’re interested in biodiversity or learning about the intricacies of cover crops, silvopasture, or environmental policy, we’ve got you covered with seven […]
A Case Study: Guayaki
One of the most inspiring parts about the regenerative movement is just how many incredible partners are involved in helping to elevate farmers and ranchers, grow soil, and balance the climate. Guayaki has long been a revolutionary in the food and beverage space–supporting smallholder producers, incentivizing rainforest protection, and creating a powerful network of artists […]
4 Chocolate Brands Changing the World
“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” ― Charles M. Schulz Chocolate is undeniably one of the world’s most coveted desserts. A staple during holidays like Christmas, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Mother’s Day, chocolate is nearly ubiquitous in many places around the globe. And yet, although today chocolate […]
3 Ways to Improve the Health of Your Garden Soil
Make Soil Healthy! Growing a garden is one of the best things that you can do for your health and for the environment. And one of the most important keys to growing healthy fruits, vegetables and flowers is supporting the health of your soil.Ready to get started? Try out some of the tips below! 1. […]