Empowering Activists for Soil Regeneration
This course empowers anyone, anywhere, to transform into a valuable part of the soil health and regenerative agriculture movements by offering multiple advocacy pathways and by giving students the confidence to effectively speak about and advocate to a variety of target audiences.
Soil Advocate Training (SAT) has been redesigned to include Kiss the Ground’s Don Smith and Finian Makepeace, as well as many other thought leaders and experts in the movement to regenerate our planet. With 9+ hours of content, SAT includes lectures, interviews, a curated list of readings and resources, a monthly webinar for graduates and exclusive access to a Kiss the Ground slideshow for alumni to use in future presentations. Our goal is to provide students with new knowledge and perspectives while honoring the origins of this wisdom.
Take this course at your own pace ANYTIME, ANYWHERE.

Regenerative Agriculture, which blends modern discoveries in soil biology with indigenous wisdom and pioneering holistic thinking, is a solution that addresses our biggest crises. And yet, it is just coming into the larger conversation.
That is why this movement needs you! This training will be your foundation. From policy and business to education and farming, advocates just like you will lead the charge towards positive change.
Together, we can do this! We can drawdown carbon from our atmosphere to REGENERATE our land and rebuild healthy soil!
An 8-module program including lectures, exercises, expert interviews, “challenges,” and a highly curated reading and resources list.
Ability to speak on healthy soil and regenerative agriculture as a solution for:
- global warming
- flooding, drought & fire
- human health
- food security
- freshwater availability
- farmer prosperity
- extinction/biodiversity loss
Gain Public speaking confidence by learning tips and methods to speak about and demonstrate the principles of Regenerative Agriculture for different audiences.
A professional slide deck to use for future educational talks or speaking engagements.
Access to an online community of like-minded and inspired activists from all over the world.
Peer-to-peer connection, support, and learning where feedback is available and your projects get support.
Lifetime access to all course content, exercises, and action links.
Explore Enrollment Options

$ 180.00
+ Lifetime access to 8 modules of course recordings
+ Access to an exclusive community for peer-to-peer interaction and support
+ Access to graduate resources

$ 90.00
+ Lifetime access to 8 modules of course recordings
+ Access to an exclusive online community for peer-to-peer interaction and support
+ Access to graduate resources
Course Modules
In this module, we explore why advocates are so crucial to the success of any movement and delve into strategies to empower yourself on your journey, including how to find your “why.” We also discuss what intersectional environmentalism is and and how it can help your advocacy remain inclusive.
In this module, we explore the world of regenerative agriculture. We explore several soil demos and what they mean; discuss what regenerative agriculture is; learn the six principles of regenerative agriculture; compare degenerative and regenerative farming practices; and discuss certifications like Regenerative Organic Certified. This module is a crucial part to advancing as a soil advocate, especially as it relates to sharing the message to the world and communicating directly with farmers.
In this module, we explore how the health of soil (the fertility & life) is so crucial to allowing plants and the food they create to be healthy as well. Plants and soil microbes work in symbiosis to make minerals and trace minerals available, therefore our health and the health of the soil are connected. We also dive into the alarming reality of how toxic and processed our food has become, and how we are becoming sicker by the food we are eating. Regenerative agriculture can change that.
In this module, we explore the amazing opportunity that is available around the world for water if we rebuild our soil. Our broken soil systems have caused drought and desertification, as well as created heat islands all across the world. This has significantly broken our small water cycles and drained our clean water sources as they are not able to replenish. Regenerative agriculture can change this.
In this module, we explore how to bring these ideas to the world, powerful ways to complete talks, what it means to “walk the walk,” and ways to further your work at the policy level. And, of course, a big reminder that practice and taking advocacy steps is the way to grow your impact.
In this module, we discuss how you can proceed from here, how Kiss the Ground directly supports you in the advancement of being an advocate, and what it means to be a part of this movement. Welcome to YOUR movement!
Finian Makepeace
is the Co-Founder, Policy Director, and Lead Educator of Kiss the Ground and a renowned presenter, media creator, and thought leader in the field of regenerative agriculture and soil health. He has developed training programs, workshops, and talks designed to empower people to become confident messengers and advocates for this growing movement. He has worked with leading experts, policymakers, farmers, and businesses to make rebuilding soil, through the adoption of regenerative agriculture, a key solution to our world’s biggest crises. His greatest hope is that, through awakening to the opportunities of regeneration, people know they can help change the world. He believes that with enough new advocates promoting the ancient wisdom, pioneering holistic thinking, and new science of regenerative agriculture and ecosystem restoration we can heal our planet – together.
Guest Lecturers and Interviewees
We are so honored to bring you this course in collaboration of people across the regenerative landscape. The following experts are present throughout the course as guest lecturers and/or interviewees.

Yancy Comins

Calla Rose Ostrander

Didi Pershouse

Precious Phiri

Leah Thomas

Finian Makepeace

Don Smith

Arohi Sharma

Zach Ducheneaux

Cary Crum

Elizabeth Whitlow

Irene Tsouprake

Dr. Zach Bush MD

Program Coordinator, The Growing Experience | Founder, Hands in the Soil
Yancy Comins
Yancy began working at The Growing Experience to help lead the farm’s Micro-Enterprise program , Club Y.C.M.E. (Young Creatives Micro- Enterprise) in which he helped youth in the community develop a small business utilizing the farm as a product source. Yancy is now working on our CSA expansion program through a grant with the USDA.

Strategic Advisor - Phoenix Rising Resources, LLC | Coordinator - Carbon Project at People, Food & Land Foundation
Calla Rose Ostrander
Calla Rose attended Waldorf School K-12 in Boulder Colorado and has focused her education and career on advancing solutions for climate change. She received her BA in International Political Economy from the University of Puget Sound where she wrote her thesis on the political economy of environmental policy in developed countries. She has been a fellow with environmental non-profits Earth Economics and Rocky Mountain Institute and worked for the cities of Aspen Colorado and San Francisco California creating their climate action and adaptation plans, internal sustainability reporting structures and training and community green business and green grant programs. Calla Rose is now the Coordinator for the Carbon Project at People, Food & Land Foundation and works as a private advisor on climate change science, policy and funding through her business Phoenix Rising Resources, LLC.

Founder - Center for Sustainable Medicine | Board Chair - Soil Carbon Coalition
Didi Pershouse
Didi Pershouse is the author of The Ecology of Care: Medicine, Agriculture, Money, and the Quiet Power of Human and Microbial Communities and Understanding Soil Health and Watershed Function. She teaches participatory workshops both in person and online, helping to connect the dots between soil health, human health, water, and climate resiliency. She is the founder of the Center for Sustainable Medicine and the Land and Leadership Initiative, and a co-founder of the “Can we Rehydrate California?” Initiative. She was one of five speakers at the United Nations-FAO World Soil Day in 2017.

Accredited Field Professional in Holistic Management
Precious Phiri
Precious Phiri is a Zimbabwean Accredited Field Professional in Holistic Management education for communal areas. She is also Regeneration International’s Africa coordinator and steering committee member where she is networking and building partnerships with different organisations to support and spread economic, social and ecological regeneration work and support policy influence. For nine years, she was the Coordinator of Training at the Africa Centre for Holistic Management- (the first Savory Hub in Zimbabwe). She continues to do work with communities and other civil society partners facilitating Holistic Management.

Intersectional Environmental Activist and Eco-Communicator
Leah Thomas
Leah is an intersectional environmental activist and eco-communicator based in Southern California. She’s passionate about advocating for and exploring the relationship between social justice and environmentalism and identifying the ways in which injustices happening to marginalized communities and the earth are interconnected. You could say Leah’s trying to make the world a little more equal for everyone and a little nicer to our home planet!
She graduated from Chapman University in 2017 with a B.S. in Environmental Science and Policy with a cluster in Comparative World Religions.
Leah remains committed to sparking conversation and mobilizing the environmental community to be anti-racist and not complicit, and encouraging and inspiring all members of our planet to explore new places, live more sustainably, and practice radical self acceptance.
In 2020, Leah launched Intersectional Environmentalist, a platform for resources, information and action steps to support intersectional environmentalism and dismantle systems of oppression in the environmental movement.

Kiss the Ground Co-Founder, Policy Director & Lead Educator
Finian Makepeace
Finian Makepeace is the Co-Founder, Policy Director & Lead Educator of Kiss the Ground. He is a renowned presenter, media creator, and thought leader in the field of regenerative agriculture and soil health. His dedication to Kiss the Ground’s mission of “awakening people to the possibilities of regeneration”, has motivated him to develop training programs, workshops, and talks designed to empower people around the world to become confident advocates for this growing movement.

Stewardship Program Advisor, Kiss the Ground
Don Smith
Don is a speaker, teacher, and student of regenerative agriculture and regenerative lifestyles. His talks are engaging, inspiring, and filled with viable solutions to the world’s largest problems. In addition to speaking, Don helps Kiss the Ground with editing, technical details, and infographics promoting soil as a solution to climate change.

Policy Analyst, Water, Agriculture & Wildlife, Nature Program at NRDC
Arohi Sharma
Arohi Sharma currently works for an environmental nonprofit organization—the Natural Resources Defense Council. She advocates for policies that protect and restore rivers and aquatic ecosystems in California and promote regenerative agricultural practices to reduce wasteful water use and to protect soil health. Before joining NRDC, Arohi was in graduate school, where she spent time researching ways to incentivize multi-stakeholder partnerships for climate change mitigation efforts and worked for the Ethiopian Government to help craft the nation’s first sustainable agricultural development strategy.
Prior to graduate school, Arohi served as a legislative staffer on Capitol Hill for the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee and Senator Cory Booker. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of California, San Diego, and a master’s degree in public policy from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. All the opinions shared during the interview are her own and do not represent the views of the organization she currently works for. You can learn more about her current work here: https://www.nrdc.org/experts/arohi-sharma

Executive Director - Intertribal Agriculture Council
Zach Ducheneaux
Zach Ducheneaux is the Executive Director of the Intertribal Agriculture Council and the 3rd of 4 generations to work on the family cattle and horse ranch on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation.
The firsthand experiences he’s had in the Ag Finance industry, have helped inform innovative practices that have been implemented for nearly 2 years. These first of their kind financing arrangements are proving that the best tool for risk management, conservation, and value-added activities is cash in the producers pocket at the end of the year; while providing a return to investors.
“By decoupling finance from IRS depreciation schedules, we are able to engage in longer term relationships that better suit the capital needs of producers.”
If you would like to know more about the Intertribal Agriculture Council, Akiptan CDFI, and their work in Indian Country, he welcomes your call or email. He can be reached at [email protected] and 605-222-3852.

Regenerative Agriculture Specialist - California Ag Solutions Inc.
Cary Crum
The majority of Cary’s career has been working in ag sales and marketing for the fresh produce industry. He also has ten years of hands-on farming experience in trees and vines. It’s this combined experience that allows him to bring the kind of support and solutions growers need to overcome any problem and achieve optimum results.
Cary joined the CAS team in 2015 and has been building a strong understanding of the newest and best technologies that have been developed for today’s producers. He’s also been learning about the CAS approach to educating customers and working with them to develop strategies to efficiently utilize our products and achieve the best results for the grower. The grower’s success is his goal. He wants to build customer relationships that exceed expectations—adding profit to their operations and streamlining their businesses.
One of the most rewarding things Cary has done was taking each of his three children to tour historic sites on the east coast during their 8th grade year. He was able to spend 2 weeks with each of them individually, sharing experiences that have helped shape the adults they have become.
- Developed California no till dairy forage system
- Implemented cover crop system on 8000 acres of almonds in California
- Developed 25000 plus acres of conservation tillage production systems on California dairy farms in the San Joaquin valley
- Developed no till winter forage system in California dairy production
- Advise and consult with growers on putting regenerative ag practices on over 35000 acres

Executive Director - Regenerative Organic Alliance
Elizabeth Whitlow
Elizabeth Whitlow’s role as the Executive Director of the Regenerative Organic Alliance (ROA) is the culmination of over 20 years working in the field of organic agriculture. Whitlow began her career as an advocate for shade-grown, fair-trade and organic coffee growers in Central America. Since then, she has worked across the spectrum of elevated certifications, both in farming and ranching, earning high-level placements with organizations such as CCOF and EarthClaims. She has also contributed to the brilliant work of organizations such as the Institute for Food & Development Policy, Sustainable Harvest, Coffee Kids, and the MesoAmerican Development Institute.
At the ROA, she oversees the finest details of the holistic and high-bar Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC™). The ROC™ is the North Star of certifications, building upon the Organic label through the pillars of soil health, animal welfare, and social fairness.
Whitlow has spoken globally on the importance of regenerative organic farming as an aspirational objective for global agriculture practices and as a necessity to mitigate climate change and cultivate social equity in the agricultural sector. In the last year, she has been invited to speak and participate in working groups to move climate-change-fighting policy forward, including The Aspen Institute’s Harvest Forum, Biofach (Germany), The Climate Collaborative, and UNSDGs alignment project with Certified B Corp, to name a few. When not on the road, she resides in Sonoma County, California tending to her micro-farm and an array of animals, promoting community-driven, local food systems.

TEDX SantaCruz curator, Speech Writer, Speaking Coach, & Event Producer
Irene Tsouprake
Deeply influenced by Riane Eisler’s work on partnership and Bhutan’s alternative economic paradigm of Gross National Happiness, I was inspired to help companies measure success beyond quarterly profit through creating & producing transformative corporate meetings and events. Aside from my day job, I have served as the licensee and curator for TEDXSantaCruz for nearly a decade. After curating a number of climate scientists, I found they could use help with creating more compelling narratives to articulate their work. In a world full of noise, narrative storytellers are essential to making the case for the urgency of acting on climate change. I’ve added mine to the many hands on deck… we’re going to need everyone.

Triple board certified physician, educator on the microbiome, founder of Seraphic Group & Farmer’s Footprint
Dr. Zach Bush MD
Zach Bush MD is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease, and food systems. Dr Zach founded *Seraphic Group and the non-profit Farmer’s Footprint to develop root-cause solutions for human and ecological health. His passion for education reaches across many disciplines, including topics such as the role of soil and water ecosystems in human genomics, immunity, and gut/brain health. His education has highlighted the need for a radical departure from chemical farming and pharmacy, and his ongoing efforts are providing a path for consumers, farmers, and mega-industries to work together for a healthy future for people and planet. If you’re interested in learning more from Dr Zach, please visit www.zachbushmd.com.

Connect and Learn with Communtity
Our journey to regeneration began first and foremost with community. The idea for Kiss the Ground was born in our cofounder’s living room, where various people with different skills – all united in their passion for this movement – met every Monday to try to problem solve. We understand the power of coming together.
As a Graduate, you will have access to our online community of Soil Advocates from around the world – Get new perspectives and answers to your questions, access graduate resources, receive peer-to-peer feedback on your projects, learn about news, projects, and other updates in the movement, and stay informed about new and upcoming courses, campaigns, and events!

— Rumi