“Less than 24 hours after Los Angeles based soil advocacy organization Kiss the Ground premiered its ‘groundbreaking’ new film on Netflix, Councilmembers Paul Koretz (CD5) and Mike Bonin (CD11) introduced a motion at Wednesday’s City Council meeting to launch RegenerateLA, a program targeting carbon sequestration (the storage of carbon) as a means to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. How exactly will that be done? The solution is as old as dirt and lies beneath our very own feet.Yes, soil has the incredible capacity, through the photosynthetic aid of plants, to pull carbon down from the atmosphere and store it underground in the soil, as one of the building blocks that supports plant growth and millions of microorganisms.” – Calli Sara Goldstein via Larchmont Buzz
Committee Included: Finian Makepeace from the Kiss the Ground organization that launched the documentary; Michael Martinez from LA Compost and Doniga Markegard, a regenerative rancher; Calla Rose Ostrander, one of the top specialists in climate and agricultural policy and science; and members of the City family our General Manager of LA Sanitation and Environment, Enrique Zaldivar, and our General Manager of Recreation and Parks, Mike Shull.
"Less than 24 hours after LA-based soil advocacy organization #KisstheGround premiered its “groundbreaking” new film on @netflix, Councilmembers @PaulKoretzCD5 & @MikeBoninLA introduced a motion to launch #RegenerateLA." - @LarchmontBuzz @LAcity
— Kiss the Ground (@kissthegroundCA) September 25, 2020
https://t.co/d6Pzog2v7w pic.twitter.com/LYrni1c5Uu
Photo courtesy of LA Compost.