10 Ways to Love the Soil

holding soil in hands

Did you know that building healthy soils on a global scale is one of the best ways to draw down enough carbon to prevent a catastrophic climate crisis? And carbon storage isn’t soil’s only superpower; the ways that soil stands to positively impact the lives of billions worldwide are tangible and immediate: replenished water cycles, restored fertility, and regenerated ecosystems. What’s not to love?

Whether you decide to grow a plant for the first time, start composting, or are ready to become an official Soil Advocate, join us in showing a little love for the miraculous superhero beneath our feet every day!

Thank you for joining us on the journey to regenerate the planet, starting with soil. Together, we can do this!

How to show the soil some love:

  1. Support your local farmers market. Ask your farmer to tell you about how they care for the soil and ask them about touring their farm —this is also a great activity for kiddos!
  2. Grow a plant. Start with one, then usually it will become two or three and soon you’ll be a gardener!
  3. Grow your own food. Learn how to create your own Regenerative Garden in your backyard.
  4. Compost at home. Because food waste is food for the soil that grows your food! Learn more about how cool composting is in The Compost Story.
  5. Watch the Soil Story. Learn & spread the word about soil’s potential to sequester carbon by watching and sharing The Soil Story.
  6. Host a dinner. Grab Kiss the Ground’s Free Purchasing Guide and some friends and make a meal from local farms building healthy soil. Take it one step further and read “Kiss the Ground” to deep dive into how the food you eat can help heal the planet!
  7. Wear clothes made of natural or organic fibers. Learn more about Fibershed, an innovative organization developing regional fiber systems that build soil & protect the health of our biosphere.
  8. Teach kids about soil. Find resources for parents, educators, teachers, and homeschoolers in our Children’s Education Pathway to spark kids’ wonder for the soil! 
  9. Become a Soil Advocate! Learn how to powerfully present the topics of soil health and regenerative agriculture as solutions to climate change, water scarcity, and feeding the world.
  10. Join the ReGeneration! Become a monthly supporter of  Kiss the Ground and join a global community of people who believe the future is regenerative.

And some love for our friends…

Learn about and follow all the amazing organizations working to build healthy soil, grow nutritious food, and reverse climate change worldwide.

American Farmland Trust
Bionutrient Food Association
Carbon Cycle Institute
Carbon Underground
Center for Food Safety
Center for Ecoliteracy
Catholic Relief Service
Center for No-till Agriculture
Climate Collaborative
Chico State Regenerative Agriculture Initiative
Community Environmental Council
Earth Guardians
Farmers Footprint
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
Green America
Marin Carbon Project
Nature Conservancy
Organic Investment Cooperative
Organic Consumers Association
Point Blue Conservation Science
Regeneration International
Regen Network
Regenerative Organic Certification
Regeneration Canada
Rodale Institute
Savory Institute
Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture
Soil Health Academy
Soil Solutions
Paicines Ranch
Propagate Ventures
Terra Genesis
TomKat Ranch
Urth Agriculture
White Buffalo Land Trust

Is there someone else that needs to be added to this list? Email us at [email protected] to let us know!



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