A Case Study: Guayaki


One of the most inspiring parts about the regenerative movement is just how many incredible partners are involved in helping to elevate farmers and ranchers, grow soil, and balance the climate.

Guayaki has long been a revolutionary in the food and beverage space–supporting smallholder producers, incentivizing rainforest protection, and creating a powerful network of artists and activists around the world to help inspire everyone to engage with our future on this planet.

Our vision holds that yerba mate culture will power our Market Driven Regeneration™ business model to regenerate #ecosystems and create vibrant communities. – @guayaki #casestudy #regeneration

Download our free case study to learn more about how Guayaki, a globally-recognized brand, is advancing agroforestry, empowering communities, and becoming a voice for the South American Atlantic rainforest.


Visit Guayaki

Regenerative Sourcing & Supply Business Course

Kiss the Ground and Terra Genesis International (TGI) have come together to respond to the loud request from the natural products industry. We’ve heard your desire to work in a way that contributes to regeneration. And also your question “How do we do it?” Building on the success of Kiss the Ground’s Soil Advocate Training, and TGI’s experience from over a decade of working on regeneration, this course will create a community for brands to explore their questions together, and to take concrete steps towards regeneration.

This unique course is designed for companies and brands seeking to engage directly with healthy soil solutions and regenerative agriculture through purchasing and supply chains.  Our next session begins October 3, 2019.



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Transform your understanding of regeneration through this bite-sized, 90-minute course!