Where Green Meets Blue

Regeneration is not just about land, it’s also about protecting and healing our watersheds, and right now we have an opportunity to make regeneration a bigger part of U.S. policy, for the benefit of land and sea, and everything in between.
Special thanks to Regenerate America Coalition member, The Oxygen Project, for creating this video on the positive effects that Regeneration has on both land and watersheds.

Regeneration is not just about land, it’s also about our waters. Surfing was my first deep connection to nature, and now I better understand how our farming practices tie to our oceans, streams, and watersheds. I’ll explain.

Most U.S. farming takes place around the Mississippi Watershed which spans from the Appalachian Mountains to the Rockies and connects the Northern border to the Gulf Coast–this is the largest drainage basin in the U.S.

Pollution and chemicals from industrial agriculture runs off the land and flows into streams, and then, rivers and ultimately the ocean. In the Gulf of Mexico, this creates an annual algal bloom about the size of New Jersey, which kills marine life. NJ is huge by the way, I grew up there. It’s so huge people clarify as to whether they are from north, central, our south jersey– it’s a thing. 

The solution: More natural areas with Regenerative practices prioritizing soil health, this leads to an increase in plant and microbial diversity which not only prevents pollution from running off into the watershed, it can also REVERSE damage already done to the watershed.

At Kiss The Ground, we promote Regeneration with a focus on–
1.) Driving awareness through storytelling (content), and ultimately consumption choices 
2.) Education, which breeds advocacy
3.) Partnerships with companies who want to change, and join the Movement

We believe these actions will soon lead to massive policy change. The Farm Bill, which controls billions in funding, will be voted on shortly. It prioritizes conventional, degenerative agriculture models, and allocates less than 4% of the budget for sustainable or regenerative solutions.  

Kiss the Ground’s Regenerate America Campaign, formed over two years ago, is a bipartisan coalition of farmers, businesses, nonprofits, and citizens working together to transform the Farm Bill to ensure robust support for regenerative agriculture. 

Please support Kiss The Ground and join the Regenerative Movement by signing this petition and sharing it with your friends. We’ll be bringing it to DC in early June.

Thank you to our friends, The Oxygen Project, Sea Trees, 12 Tides, and One Earth for your support!

 – Evan Harrison, CEO at Kiss the Ground


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Transform your understanding of regeneration through this bite-sized, 90-minute course!